My dog (Maltese) is 8 month and is about 5 WEEKS* pregnant with 1-2 pups. What are my options. And how will they affect her mental ly and physically?

Updated On January 13th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Maltese | Female | unspayed | 9 months and 11 days old | 151 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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Ideally female dogs are not bred until they are 2 years old but there's nothing you can do about this now. she may not be mentally mature to care for puppies but she could do just fine. You will need to feed her appropriately but it may impact her over-all growth. Also, have radiographs taken so you know how many puppies to expect. Small breed dogs are more prone to problems giving birth so you need to know how many puppies to expect. This link may help: I also recommend to discuss having her spayed after the puppies are weaned. There are many benefits to spaying a pet: I hope Zoe has a smooth delivery and please feel free to post any additional questions.

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