Updated On January 13th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Ragdoll | Male | neutered | 23 lbs
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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Squiggles need to see a vet. If he has lost that much weight my guess is he either has diabetes or kidney disease. He could also have a serious mouth/dental infection or even hepatic lipidosis. I'm sorry you think vets are expensive but there is a lot of overhead involved with running a vet clinic. The staff has to be paid, the utilities, all the medications, supplies and equipment. It is your responsibility to get him care when he is sick. Letting him suffer because of financial constraints is really not a good option. Not everything can be fixed at home. So, please get him evaluated by a vet and then you can go from there. If he has a severe disease and you cannot afford treatment then it would be best to humanely euthanize him.
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