My dog developed a golf ball sized lump suddenly on her jaw line under her eye. She is still eating and drinking like normal. I am debating if I need to take her to an emergency vet or wait and take her in the morning with her normal vet. She is due for her vaccines and she has not had anything to eat other than her food. She is crated when I am not home. I did excrete her anal glands last night. Other than that all has been normal except this new lump.

Updated On January 13th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Coton de Tulear | Female | spayed | 7 years and 9 months old | 13 lbs

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Given the location, it could be a tooth root abscess. It isn't an emergency, but is likely uncomfortable. If Dolly is behaving normally, she can probably see her veterinarian in the morning. An oral exam can be done to determine if there is periodontal disease and if so, if it is severe enough to cause an abscess. A complete dental cleaning and possibly extractions may be necessary. If an abscess is ruled out, your veterinarian can perform a fine needle aspirate of the lump to collect samples for pathology. This may provide a diagnosis. Treatment options can be discussed once results are returned.

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