Hello, my foster dog has entropion, and sadly was never cared for. Her eyelids have been stitched for almost two weeks. She is supposed to have a recheck but I’m having trouble getting the rescue to schedule that. Her left eye looks not right to me. I have attached below, the large black right by her eye Is just her skin but the rest looks irritated.
Updated On January 14th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | American Bulldog | Female | spayed | 63 lbs
Answered By Rodrigo Roca, DVM 174
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Hello, sorry to hear about Domino. It looks like the area has stitches and it looks like there is also some reddening of her conjunctiva. It may be that the suture material is irritating her eye a little and causing the redness. I would recommend having the eye examined to make sure the eye is not being irritated by the suture as this could lead to a corneal ulcer. If Domino develops any mucoid discharge, is squinting, rubbing at her eye, the she should be examined by a veterinarian sooner. Hope this helps and best of luck.
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