Hello! I'm wanting to try a local anesthesia free teeth cleaning service for my dog and would like a mild sedative for him. Is the only option for an Rx to see a vet? Or are there natural options available without a Rx? Someone mentioned CBD oil ?

Updated On January 14th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 13 years old | 25 lbs

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Answered By Rodrigo Roca, DVM


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Hello, only your primary care veterinarian or a veterinarian that has build a veterinarian-client-patient-relationship has the legal ability to prescribe medications to your pet, including sedatives. Over the counter sedatives are not available for dogs. CBD oil may calm pets down, but this has not been reliably shown in studies. Other over the counter medications may include Benadryl, but its unlikely to calm him down enough to undergo a dental cleaning procedure. Given that this is uncomfortable for pets, I would recommend consulting with your primary care veterinarian about obtaining some medications to sedate Marley. Hope this helps and best of luck.

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