I got a new budgie about a week ago at Petco, and they told me it was a baby. I am a little worried because it has a pretty large chest that sticks out. Is that normal or should I be worried?

Updated On January 14th, 2020

Pet's info: Bird | Parakeet | Male

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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He does look a bit puffy, but it's hard to tell just from a few photos. Birds with full crops can sometimes have a "balloon" like appearance on their chest below their neck, that will gradually decrease as they digest food, and then fill up again as they eat, but it's usually not very visible in adult birds. However, as with any new pet, a general wellness exam with your vet is best to establish care, check for any issues, and treat them if needed. If Naoko seems in distress or ill at all, seeking care sooner is a good idea.

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