my budgie appears healthy, happy and active but is losing ALOT of feathers (he is not pulling them out much they just come out when he flys or flaps around... is he ok what could it be
Updated On January 14th, 2020
Pet's info: Bird | Parrot | Male | unneutered | 1 year old
Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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Harry could be molting, which is a normal thing that occurs about once or twice a year. This is when your bird loses their feathers and then replaces them with new ones. You can check if this is the case by looking for "pin" feathers, or what looks like little pins growing out of the skin (these are the new feathers coming in). Other things to look for include making sure Harry is on a balanced diet, and checking for mites or other skin issues that can also cause feather loss.
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