my dog was diagnosed with lymphoma. he had no weight loss, no loss of appetite and he had lots of energy until the vet put him on Prednisone no he has lack of energy, no appetite and is panting all the time. His lymph nodes seem to be getting even bigger on the prednisone. is this normal?

Updated On January 15th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Large (61lb +) | Male | neutered | 74 lbs

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Answered By Stephanie Echols, DVM


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Thanks for using PetCoach! I am sorry to hear Diesel isn’t feeling well. The prednisone is supposed to help slow the growth of the cancer but eventually it won’t be effective. Prednisone alone isn’t enough to cure him. If he is getting worse and the lymph nodes are growing it is likely the prednisone is no longer helping. I would discuss your options with the vet that diagnosed him but there isn’t much more they can do for him. I am so sorry and I hope the rest of his life is pain free. Good luck and kisses to Diesel!

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