Hi there! We adopted a 15 week old kitten last week, I'm not sure if him and our first cat are playing too rough or not (first cat is just under 2). They chase each other and ambush each other. They also sniff each other's butts. They don't show any aggression, except the other day the kitten hissed at the cat, after the cat pounced at him, out of play I think. They can eat in the same room just fine

Updated On January 16th, 2020

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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This sounds like normal play. : ) I have 3 cats and they are always chasing eat other, growling, hissing and pouncing. Signs that they really do get along, are them sleeping together, licking and grooming each other, or them eating together (side by side). Cats that don't get along, can't stand to be in the same room with each other most of the time and will try to avoid physical contact by any means necessary. Best of luck with your new kitten and your cat moving forward. I hope that things continue to go well. Take care : )

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