Hi my puppy is 3 months old. She recieved her vaccines on 11/27 and 12/6. When do I need to take her in to get her second round of vaccines. And what else do I need to do for her at this age?

Updated On January 16th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Boston Terrier | Female | unspayed | 3 months and 1 day old | 5.4 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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You have already gone over the time period for when her next booster was due. She should have received it January 3rd. Vaccines should be administered every 3-4 weeks until puppies are 4 months old. The vaccines are given this way to provide them with the best possible immunity. I suggest you get her vaccinated as soon as possible. The vet will tell you when to come back for the next vaccination after that. Zoey should also be taking a monthly heartworm medication and a monthly prevention for fleas/ticks (especially living in Florida). You can take her to any one of our VETCO vaccination clinics in your area and they can help you sort everything out. ( https://www.vetcoclinics.com/services-and-clinics/clinic-locations-and-schedules/?zip=33032 )

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