Good Morning, I have a male cat he is 8 months old, have had him since he was 5 weeks old , a week and half ago we adopted a female cat 8 months old. Our male cat is jumping on her and biting her and then they fight. We separate them in the evenings and while we are at work . I have bought the feliway duffser and also spray to help . How do get them not to fight and how much longer for them to get along. ( I don't like that were having to lock up the new cat all day and all night) Help

Updated On January 16th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 8 months and 26 days old | 9 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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Most cats will settle down within a few weeks. Kittens do play rough and it can be hard to tell. If they willingly come together, play willingly and you don't see any bullying behavior (avoidance, hiding, arching the back and puffing up the tail) they are likely playing rough. If they play too rough they could injure each other by accident so continue to separate them when not supervised but most kittens will not require this. Giving each kitten one on one play time with you to burn energy, feeding out of a food puzzle and providing cats trees/other environmental stimulation can also help. Continue the current therapy as well. I hope this helps.

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