Hello, i have a new puppy that's almost 4 months old; it's been with me for a week now, the 1st three days he was barking too much when left alone which i think was normal as it's a new home, now he's quiter and plays and eats well but his voice somehow gone when he tries tries to bark, could it be from too much barking at 1st or should i have him visit a Vet??, it's been like this for 2 days and i hardly hear him bark tonight..

Updated On January 17th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | 3 months and 28 days old

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Amro. I recommend that he sees a veterinarian. It is always a good idea when you obtain a new pet. The lose of his voice can be from barking to much, but can also be the result of a respiratory tract infection. I hope this information helps!

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