I recently rescued a kitten with apparent ano or micropthalmia. There is some tissue in the sockets, but no visible eye. We are debating on enucleation and stitching them or leaving them open. I want to do whatever is best for him. We scheduled the procedure, but now of course I am second guessing thinking maybe he has "some sort" of vision that we would be taking away. Any advice or info would be helpful!
Updated On January 17th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | unneutered | 5 months and 16 days old | 4 lbs
Answered By Stacey Anstaett, DVM 224
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I would go through with enucleation. He will be more comfortable afterwards, and the tissue that is there now will likely be goopy, irritated, and can get infected easily. He won't know the difference; if he has ANY vision now (which I highly doubt is the case) it is definitely minimal and he is so young that her other senses are developing above and beyond to compensate for the lack of vision. As long as he's an indoor only kitty I wouldn't hesitate to enucleate. Love the name by the way!
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