This was Sadie's eye when I came home from work last night. Brought her to emerg and they gave her benadryl and antibiotic shot along with antibiotic eye cream. She is still acting somewhat off today. Eating pooping and playing fine but showed her teeth at her daddy when he went to put the eye cream in which is out of character for her. Should I be concerned or could this just be from her reaction so shes feeling off still?
Updated On January 17th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 6 years old | 57 lbs
Answered By Sara Farmer, DVM 107
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I certainly think it still could be from the reaction - it may be a little painful when her eye cream is put in or it may simply bother her, so this might be why she showed her teeth. If her eye is still swollen at the 24 hour mark you should ask about a recheck since usually an allergic reaction has resolved by then.
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