HELP! My budgie has bald spots on his head and this is the very first time this happened. Im not sure if its normal or not, my budgie is about a year or two old. Does he have mites? Is this normal in a budgie? Is this a normal molt?

Updated On January 18th, 2020

Pet's info: Bird | Parakeet | Male | 0.07 lbs

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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He may have mites or other infection (bacterial, fungal, etc.). Budgies do molt, however this does not look like a typical molt. You would need to have Koya physically examined by your veterinarian or an experienced avian veterinarian to definitively diagnose mites or other infection. In the meantime, clean and sanitize the cage, bowls, toys and perches Discard anything that cannot be sanitized. Use plain paper towels on the cage bottom and change them daily. There are over the counter products that can be used to treat mites, but if he doesn't have mites, they won't help. It is always best to get a firm diagnosis if possible. It will make treatment easier for you and Koya.

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