My 3 year old pittweiller is in her 7th day of heat... she got lose for about 10 minutes earlier and I'm wondering if she happened to have mated with a dog during that time, if it is likely she could get pregnant. I want to breed her with another pittweiller after her 10th day so I hope I havent ruined her chances. She got off the porch this morning
Updated On January 19th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Rottweiler | Female | unspayed | 3 years and 3 months old | 58 lbs
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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It is always possible she got pregnant. If you don't want her to have this litter you can go to your vet and ask for a mismating shot and then you can breed her on her next cycle. ( https://www.webvets.com/admin/uploads/mismate-accidental-breeding.pdf )
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