my guinea pig was neutered 4 days ago and i just noticed his left testi is swollen and hard. what should i do?

Updated On January 20th, 2020

Pet's info: Exotic | Unknown - Exotic | Male | neutered

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Answered By Rodrigo Roca, DVM


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Hello, sorry to hear about Pepe. You can put a frozen bag of veggies or an ice pack wrapped in a thin cloth or plastic zip lock bag in the area for 5 minutes or so, 2-3 times per day for the next 3 days. He likely has normal post-operative swelling that should resolve within 2-3 weeks. If it is not getting better, if the area is painful, if the swelling is worsening, or if Pepe no longer eats and seems lethargic then have him evaluated immediately. Hope this helps and best of luck.

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