My 41/2 month old kitten got bleach in her eye and on her coat. I rinsed her eye under cold running water. Should I bath her?

Updated On January 21st, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Exotic | Female | 8 months and 10 days old

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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Lucy needs to be examined by the veterinarian this morning. Bleach will burn her cornea. This is painful and can quickly lead to an infection of the cornea. You will need to wash the bleach off her coat as well (because she may ingest the bleach trying to groom herself) and get her to the veterinarian quickly. If the bleach did burn her eye, she will feel more comfortable with the medication. Quickly wash the bleach off her coat and then have her examined. I hope this helps. Please feel free to post any additional questions.

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