Ragdoll kitten born with one abnormal kidney and one regular one. I haven’t got her yet so am undecided if I should still take her. Any information on any potential future problems would be greatly appreciated.

Updated On January 23rd, 2020

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. A known congenital defect is probably an indication to avoid this kitten. She will require very regular checks of her remaining kidney function to make sure any issues are addressed early on. If the breeder is willing to present this kitten to you free of charge, you must make it your business to factor in at least some additional care for the life of this kitten. She may do quite well, but without a more definitive diagnosis of what the abnormal kidney is, it is impossible to say how she may do. BUT, people & animals can certainly live long healthy lives with just one kidney. You will just need to be more proactive with her lifelong health care if you decide to take her. Thanks for using PetCoach.

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