On Dec 15th I lost my French Mastiff 50days because of Parvo Virus. Got rid of all his belongings and disinfected my house by mopping with 1:20 dilution of bleaching powder. A month later I pet my friends Labrador 7 months old for few minutes and came to know it was diagnosed with Parvo Virus 3-4 days after I pet him. My friend took him for walk on roads as well. Could it be that I transmitted the Virus. Though it survived but I'm feeling guilty. Planning to buy a GSD soon. Should I or not???
Updated On January 23rd, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | French Mastiff | Male | unneutered | 3 months and 22 days old
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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It is not likely you transferred the virus to your friend's dog. The virus will live long in the environment but not on you. If the dog was in your yard or house, then he could have picked it up there. Parvovirus can live up to a year in the outside environment. It is not a good idea to get another puppy now. You can get an older, vaccinated dog but not a puppy. I would wait a minimum of 6 months before you get another puppy but a year would be better/safer.
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