Hello, I want to ask about my pet dog. He isn't well and vomited last night. And he is eating nothing after this. What should i do. He is just sleeping n resting all day. I am scared . It's pug breed

Updated On January 23rd, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Pug | Male | 1 year old | 16 lbs

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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Poor guy. With him being this ill and it lasting through the night, the best course of action is to take Shaggy to your vet to get examined and treated. The vet will need to do a complete physical exam and likely some testing (i.e. bloodwork) to help diagnose the underlying problem so that we know how best to help Shaggy moving forward. Just about every disease can cause these symptoms, so it is hard to say what the possible cause is, but the vet should be able to gather more information after you go in. I do hope that Shaggy feels better soon! Best of luck moving forward and take care. : )

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