Hello, So I've picked up my male cat Fedi out of the street when he was fairly small, and I've adopted him for over a year. At 6 months he would go outside of the house and comeback by himself and if we locked him in the house he would meow for a bit and stop. Nowadays, my cat goes crazy if he's locked in the house he goes non-stop very loud meowing and if I let him go outside he won't comeback unless I force take him back to the house. His activities in the street is chasing female cats.
Updated On January 23rd, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | American Wirehair | Male | unneutered
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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Cats who are not neutered are generally more interested in fighting and breeding than they are their human family. I recommend to have him neutered as there are many health and behavioral benefits: https://www.petcoach.co/article/benefits-of-neutering-castrating-male-cats-kittens/ I hope this helps.
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