I'm getting a puppy that's going to be 3 weeks old is it ok to give it normal 2% milk?

Updated On January 27th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Miniature Poodle | Male | unneutered | | 10 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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No. You can not give Sparky 2% milk. The milk of cows is different form the milk of cows. Also, Sparky is MUCH too young to go to his new home. Puppies should stay with the mother until 8-12 weeks of age. Puppies who are removed too early often struggle with socialization with other dogs and they can have problems with bite inhibition. Sparky will not even be weaned until he is 6 weeks old. Any breeder letting puppies leave the mother at 3 weeks old should not be trusted. Puppies should only be removed this early if there is a medical concern or if they are in danger. Here is a link about feeding abandoned puppies: https://www.petcoach.co/article/orphaned-puppies-how-to-raise-them/ I hope this helps.

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