Hello my dog has been diagnosed with anemia they dont know the cuase yet but she was perfect untill one night she vomited after that she has problems walking
Updated On January 27th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | American Staffordshire Terrier | Female | spayed | 59 lbs
Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM 183
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Hello. Anemia is generally the result one of three things, 1. excessive bleeding from trauma or internally from a tumor or ulcer, 2. from the inability of bone marrow to produce more red blood cells, or 3. from an increased destruction of red blood cells usually due to an autoimmune disease. Your pet is probably being worked up to discover if any of these things may be the cause. Blood work, x-rays & an ultrasound examination of the chest & abdominal cavities may be necessary to diagnose the anemia. I hope all is well soon & thanks for using PetCoach.
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