My kitten's eye is swollen right after I got back in the evening.I was worried.Tried my best to clean its eyes and looks like its having hard time seeing the surrounding and just falls over some time.Used to be so playful but didn't really play instead my kitten just lay beside me and crawl while purring.My kitten never act as lovely as that.Cant afford a vet.Will its eyes gets better after days?

Updated On January 28th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Asian | Female | unspayed | 2 months and 9 days old

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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No, the eye is not likely to get better on it's own but since I can't see it for myself it is difficult to say. It really sounds like she needs to see a vet. If you would like to post again with some photos of the eye we may be able to help you better.

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