Hi, I am a new pet parent. I have two eight weeks old Chihuahua puppies. A female and male siblings, the girl does not follow instructions for potty on training pads. She will pee any where near their food and on the floor. Pippy have went on the training pads many times but is not consistent with it. Are there any methods I could try to stop her behavior?

Updated On January 28th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) | Female | unspayed | 1 month and 27 days old | 8 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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At 8 weeks, your puppy is not potty trained and is likely very confused. At this age they can't hold their potty very long (no more than 1-2 hours) and will usually have to go after playing, eating, drinking, waking up, etc. You can use this to your advantage to start timing going over to the potty pad and waiting until she goes. I'm including several potty training articles that may also help with establishing a routine! https://www.petcoach.co/article/5-common-housetraining-mistakes/ https://www.petcoach.co/article/top-5-tips-to-potty-train-your-dog-young-and-old/ https://www.petcoach.co/article/new-dog-survival-guide-tips-for-training/

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