We had just gotten our dog of 6 months yesterday. On the ride back home he threw up twice in the car. Later that night, we gave him dry food mixed with "wet" food. His original owners did not do this, they only served him dry food. Today he proceeded to eat the same mixture food and then threw this up (picture provided). I am worried because it looks like an odd throw-up
Updated On January 29th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Male | unneutered | 6 months and 26 days old | 8 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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The odd look is probably due to the mixture of wet and dry food, and I suspect the wet food is causing Simba's vomiting. The addition of a new food suddenly can cause stomach upset. Feed him a bland diet of boiled white meat chicken (no bones) and white rice in small amounts several times a day for a couple of days. Then slowly add back in his normal diet. If he refuses to eat the bland diet, he vomits the bland diet, develops diarrhea, stops drinking water, starts vomiting water, or becomes very lethargic, he will need to see a vet right away.
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