Hello i was considering getting pet rats and i was wondering where i could take them based on my location to get them examined and what the cost would be? I need any info possible on rat health and medical conditions and if they even need vaccinations.
Updated On January 29th, 2020
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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM 183
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Hello. Pet rats do not require vaccinations, and there is a wealth of information available on the safe & healthy way to maintain your new pets. The best place to start is the place you plan on purchasing the rats. If this is a bigger store, like a Petco, they will have handouts & books & manuals to purchase. You can call some of the veterinarians in your area to ask if they see rats, as a good exam is important. I will caution you to make sure the rats you decide to buy seem to be healthy. Do not bring home any animals that seem unwell, unkempt, sneezing or have any discolorations around the eyes or nose, a clear sign of an upper respiratory infection. The cages should be clean, the animals active & filled out. Rats do not require a lot, but they are very intelligent creatures & a lot of fun. Good luck & thanks for using PetCoach.
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