Hi. I got a 1 week old puppy, who fell about 3 feet, onto a thin blanket on the floor. She whimpered for about 2 min, before going back to sleep. I haven't seen any changes in behaviour, but i still can't help feeling worried. Should i be?

Updated On January 30th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Old English Sheepdog | Female | unspayed | 0.5 lbs

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. Most likely the puppy is fine, but you might want to pick her up & do a little exam on her. Gently pull on each leg & make sure she pulls back evenly ( you might want to try this with a litter mate first to get an idea of what is normal ). Then see how she does when you place her back down. Does she wiggle in a normal manner back to mom. If she seems to react in a similar manner to her siblings, then she is probably fine. Newborns are pretty resilient. Thanks for using PetCoach.

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