Hello vet, My Indian dog(desi) is vomitting from last 3 months. He vomits as he eat slightly more food and also after having some grass in the ground. He had grown very thin, one could notice his bones clearly. Also, his saliva is coming out of his mouth everytime. He is always sleeping We have taken him to many doctors but no clear solution or treatment. Hope u might help us....

Updated On January 31st, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Male | unneutered | 1 year and 8 months old

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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Poor guy. I would highly recommend having Bitu tested for exocrine pancreatitis insufficiency (EPI), which is a disease that can cause vomiting, loose stool and weight loss in pets and is an issue with his pancreas. This is a simple blood test and can hopefully diagnose the problem here. I would also recommend a baseline bloodwork panel on him as well to start. If these tests provide no solid reason for his symptoms, then the next step would be an abdominal ultrasound. Until you can get these tests done it is best to feed Bitu a bland diet of boiled plain chicken or lean ground turkey and white rice or a prescriptoin food such as Royal Canin GI low fat or Hill's I/D. These should be easier for him to digest and less likely to cause vomiting when compared to his normal diet. I do hope that with these suggestions you can diagnose the problem with Bitu soon! Best of luck and take care.

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