My daughter found a pit bull puppy. He is malnourished and even after warming him up he is very shaky. I'm concerned about his health.

Updated On January 31st, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Pit Bull Terrier | Male | unneutered

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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Poor guy. With any stray dog you want to make sure he is at least examined by a vet to determine if there are major health concerns here or if he is just going to take some time to recover slowly with good care and nutrition. I would highly recommend taking Zeus to your vet for an overall health assessment. You should also consider getting his stool checked for any intestinal parasites to start. Its best to feed him three times a day, a puppy food either dry or wet for now. Check his rectal temperature to ensure it is ideal (100.0- 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit) and continue providing a heat source (blanket, etc) for him if he is in fact below his ideal temperature. I hope that your newly acquired pit bull puppy can get healthy soon! Best of luck and take care.

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