Hello, I’ve had a cat for over 4 years, she’s a very friendly cat, an outdoor cat who’s very comfortable at home. However 4 days ago my sister has moved back in with us with her untrained dog and my cat seems to be a little depressed, she has been hiding in my cupboard.My sister had a chow chow who doesn’t at all listen to instructions and doesn’t know to follow rules, people are telling me to take my cat to a shelter? Should I or will she get used to it?

Updated On February 1st, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Mediumhair | Female | spayed | 818 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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As long as your cat has a place to get away from the dog that the dog can't harass her she should be fine. So put a baby gate up in a room where she can go to be alone - eat, use the litter box, etc - away from the dog. Then get the dog some professional training to help curb the behavior. It is not good to allow an unruly dog to chase cats. Chows are notorious for killing cats.

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