My 18 year old dog just suddenly started excessively drooling, shaking and cannot stand or walk on her own. Could she be having a stroke or something? We are unable to get her to a vet because she’s very large and cannot get into a car.
Updated On February 2nd, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Large (61lb +) | Female | spayed | 80 lbs
Answered By Stephanie Echols, DVM 175
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Thank you for using PetCoach! Without seeing Trixie it’s hard to be sure what’s going on. It sounds like vestibular disease. This is an inflammation of a nerve that runs near the ear. When this happens the pet has a head tilt, can’t stand or walk well and is dizzy. I would recommend keeping her calm and away from anything dangerous, like stairs, until you can get her to the vet. You don’t need to give her any medications and it’s ok if she doesn’t eat for a couple of days. Keep water close by. Good luck and kisses to Trixie!
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