How often should my cat get her distemper vaccine, if she is an indoor cat Maine Coon

Updated On February 2nd, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Maine Coon | Female | spayed | 1 year and 1 month old | 14 lbs

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Answered By Mara Howard, DVM


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Thanks for using petcoach! Did Misty receive her full protocol of kitten vaccinations? Starting at 8-10 weeks, she should have received a feline distemper vaccine every 3-4 weeks for a full set of three vaccinations. If she did not receive those, then she would need to restart a vaccine protocol appropriate for her age as directed by her regular veterinarian. If she received her vaccines as a kitten, then she would receive a booster every 1-3 years as directed by your regular veterinarian.

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