My new black lab puppy is only 8 weeks and hasn't gotten her shots yet. She had a liquidy bowel movement today. Should I be worried? There have been no distinct personality changes but ive also only had her for a week. She sleeps a lot, plays, eats and drinks fine, uses the bathroom, then sleeps more.
Updated On February 2nd, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Labrador Retriever | Female | unspayed
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Diarrhea is always a concern. Feed her a bland diet of boiled white meat chicken (no bones) and white rice in small amounts several times a day for a couple of days. Then slowly add back in her normal diet. If the diarrhea continues on the bland diet, she refuses to eat the bland diet, she starts vomiting food, stops drinking water, starts vomiting water, or becomes very lethargic, she will need to see a vet right away.
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