I have a cat who has been diagnosed with FIC. He's on amitriptyline and it hasn't been of any help. He's having another flare up and my vet has been dismissive over it. Every time I take him back, they throw antibiotics at a sterile issue. I'm looking to wean him off the amitriptyline and explore another option with another veterinarian, but I forgot to ask about the weaning. I was just looking for some guidance on the proper process? He gets half of a 10mg tab once daily.

Updated On February 5th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Male | neutered | 2 years and 9 months old | 11 lbs

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. 5 mg a day is a relatively low dose, so you can wean him pretty quickly. Decrease the dose by 50% ( 1/4 tablet ) for 2 days, then 1/4 tablet every other day for a couple of doses, finishing with 1/4 tablet every 3 days for a couple of doses & you will be safely done. Thanks for using PetCoach.

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