I have a 14 yr. old mix Labrador. Her heart is a bit swollen with several other complications, such as lumps inside her abdomen and outside her sternum; ranging around 3 centimeters. Now, she has a her face swollen since her teeth have never been cleaned. Is she in high risk to be put under anesthesia, or should the teeth cleaning be appointed? Considering that the swelling is progressively getting bigger; reaching to the bottom of her right eye.

Updated On February 5th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Golden Labrador | Female | unspayed | 16 years old | 50 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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That is very concerning that Fluffy's face is swelling so much from dental problems. Anesthesia may be ok for her, but without seeing her in person, I can't say for certain. I'd speak to her vet about the safety of her going under anesthesia.

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