My dog has diarrhea and vomited once while I was at work. Now she seems to be in some, but not sever pain when trying to pass a stool. Eating and drinking fine, no pain when handling

Updated On February 5th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Chihuahua (Long Coat) | Female | spayed | 7 lbs

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Answered By Kevin Sanada, DVM


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What you are describing can have many causes, but is suspicious of a colitis ( inflammation of the colon). This tends to present as small amounts of diarrhea that sometimes has blood in it and tends to cause a great deal of straining. If this only happens while you are at work, then I would be suspicious of a stress colitis. Below is a link to some good information about this. Again, there are many causes of the problems you are noting. Infection, parasites, food intolerance, and certain cancers are among the possible causes. For this reason it’s best to have Dolly evaluated by a veterinarian in the next day, or two. They can help narrow-down the potential causes and ensure the appropriate treatment is given. I hope that helps and Dolly gets better soon.

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