My dog was 2yrsold and has remained ill half of his life dont knw why variousprblms are as follows foamy sticky saliva l the time never ending inflammation in the paws stomach scortum liquid flowing out of ears, after so many treatments didn't healed and suddenly an evening washaving difficultyinbreathing refused to even moveeyes open didn't even blink and eventuallydied wht might be the reasons for his death pleasee tell also there is extreme cold conditions in my country&henot wear anythn
Updated On February 5th, 2020
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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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I'm sorry to hear about the passing of your pet. Unfortunately, without an autopsy, it's impossible to know for sure why this happened. It's possible he had an autoimmune condition or a tick borne disease. These could result in skin lesions and ongoing internal issues. A genetic condition is also possible which resulted in over all poor doing. Lastly, chronic poisoning could also show up like this. It sounds like you and your veterinarian tried to save him. Take comfort in knowing you did what you could and try to remember the happy times. My condolences.
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