My 17 wk old cat stopped eating 2 days ago. He doesnt want to be held or petted anymore. I took him to the vet yesterday, but was told nothing is wrong with him. But he now hisses at us if we come near him. I did notice that though he will not eat, he will take treats. What could be wrong, and is it safe if I give him more treats?
Updated On February 6th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | American Shorthair | Male | unneutered | 3 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Yes you can give Cocoa more treats, but you need to take him back into a vet now. It's very serious he's not eating, as if a cat goes long enough without eating (72 hours) they will develop a fatty liver. A fatty liver is fatal without treatment, so you want to avoid that. He likely needs medication to stimulate his appetite, blood work, and a urinalysis to diagnose what is causing him to not eat.
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