I have a 6 months old german shepherd puppy. Weather here at night goes down to 6 degrees Celsius... She sleeps outdoors in her spacious and thick wooden house with a blanket inside.. The house has one small window.. We keep the door semi open at night... Is that enough for her 6 months age? Or should i completely close the door? Knowing that she seems comfortable, but sneezes every couple of days, yet, her doctor says it is a normal cold

Updated On February 7th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | German Shepherd | Female

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Answered By Stacey Anstaett, DVM


As long as the doghouse is heavily insulated and she has thick bedding inside, and the door isn't open to where the wind blows in, it should be fine. A good option may be to drape a heavy blanket over the door at night to stop any drafts and improve the insulation.
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