My dog and 2 cats have fleas. I have tried baths,sprays and collars and still I am finding bugs on them. What would be the best budget friendly product to try next?
Updated On February 7th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Male | neutered
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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Regarding OTC products, Frontline is still a good option. Do know there is a diference between what you can buy without a prescription. Generally know the products sold by your vet are the most effective. Top products for dogs are oral products such as Simparica and Nexgard. Top products for cats are topicals such as Revolution and Cheristan. There is also an oral product called Comfortis that both dogs and cats can take. You will need to switch all the pets over to a good flea product. Make sure to discuss these products with your veterinarian first. These products are generally safe for all pets but there are some conditions which are contraindicated for the oral products. Cleaning up and treating the house and yard will also help but it will not clear all the fleas. The main control is making sure the pets are on good products. This is what will ultimately stop the infestation. Also remember every female fleas lays about 50 eggs a day and it could take up to 6 months before the eggs hatch. Therefore, you will need to treat for at least 6 months. Best of luck and please feel free to post any additional questions.
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