Hello, I have a Pitbull Terrier. He turned a 1 year in September of 2019 and weighs roughly 75 lbs. I took him for a walk in the mesa two days ago and since then his right eye and ear have swollen up. His demeanor is otherwise fina. Can I give him Benadryl? If so, how much would you recommend? He has been diagnosed with allergies
Updated On February 7th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | American Pit Bull Terrier | Male | unneutered | 1 year and 5 months old | 80 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Unfortunately it is illegal for me to recommend giving Cisco Benadry without seeing him in person. His eye is quite swollen, and this cannot be treated at home. Please take him into a vet immediately.
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