Hi, My cat's right eye has been watery for about a week, it's not red, she's not sniffing, just small clean drop, like watery but doesn't look infected. I'm concerned because it's been a week. It's better now but it is still sometimes watery. - Could it be a small allergy to the new kitten ? (recently introduced) - I cleaned the carpet last week with carpet cleaner and bleach : can it be caused by the leftover of bleach fumes (can it irritate the cat's eye?)? - or something else? thanks!

Updated On February 8th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Scottish Fold | Female | spayed | 3 years and 1 month old | 5 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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The most common reason for a watery eye is infection though allergies are possible. Without an exam, it's hard to know. Since it's been going on a week, I recommend to have Pet examined by the veterinarian. Sometimes Lysine for cats can help as well as an oral supplement. I hope this helps.

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