My dog has food poisoning. It started Friday. Started with diheria now he's been sick several times mainly liquid and has had blood come out in the diheria

Updated On February 8th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Rottweiler | Male | neutered | 9 years and 1 month old | 50 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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Rocky needs to be examined by the veterinarian today. Blood in the stool is always concerning and with a worry about food poisoning, you don't want bacteria getting access to the blood stream. While dogs can get food poisoning, diarrhea in general can be cased many conditions including eating something he shouldn’t have, bacterial over growth, parasites or even organ disease. With continued diarrhea (over 24 hours), there are often bacterial shifts in the gut that will make matters worse regardless of the initial cause. Make sure to bring in a sample of fresh stool. The doctor will check him for parasites and bacterial over growth. Many times a bland diet can help and then a slow, gradual introduction to the normal food can be done. A bland diet can consist of 25% boiled white meat chicken and 75% boiled white rice. This should all be plain. I hope Rocky starts feeling better quickly! Please feel free to post any additional questions.

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