Hi how do i stop puppy howl whenever im not within their vision? Theyre inside a play pen linked with crate, it has many toys and a comfy bed inside their crate and puppy potty training pads in their pen. Also she came home 5 days ago. Im abit worried that she might have seperation anxiety. The dog breed is Husky x Malmute mix breed. They dont really bark they just howl and try to get out of the pen when im out of their vision.

Updated On February 9th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | unspayed | 1 month and 29 days old

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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Young puppies do not have separation anxiety because they are too young. This is more often related to not wanting to be separated from their 'pack'. Arctic breeds can be very pack oriented. It is a good idea to teach puppies to be comfortable with separation. I recommend to read many books about dog training. There is one trainer named Victoria Stilwell who I think has good methods. Stick with positive re-enforcement. Make sure to stick to a routine, give DouDou plenty of exercise and don't enforce the behavior by letting the puppy out of the crate when she is crying. I hope this helps.

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