My cat won't eat after getting dental surgery. He had a full mouth teeth extraction. He is new to my home. He was here a week and was finicky with eating before going to the vet. 3 mornings after the surgery he had finally ate for the vet. But hes not eating at home and running under the bed. Should i be patient or is it worth alerting my vet or could this just be behavioral and that he still needs adjusting time. After all this has only been his home for a week and a day or so.
Updated On February 9th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 10 lbs
Answered By Dr. Leigh, DVM 58
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You should let your vet know that he is not eating. Your vet can prescribe pain medications and/or an appetite stimulant to help get him eating again. Offer him a variety of canned food and see if he will eat something.
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