I noticed last night, my rat suddenly exhibiting signs of injury/ailment--dragging her hind legs behind her, hiding (lethargic and anti-social), seems she may be in pain/discomfort. She got out of her cage somehow the night before--unsupervised--I'm unsure if she might have been injured or exposed to something toxic.. I found her right b4 work around ten AM (she appeared ok*), put her in her cage (approx 9 hrs).. Poss. unable to pass bowels!? She is responsive, eating & thirsty, plz help!

Updated On February 10th, 2020

Pet's info: Small Animal | Rat | Female | unspayed | 1 year and 8 months old | 0.5 lbs

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Answered By Todd Cecil


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Thanks for reaching out about Luna. Sounds as if she needs to be seen by a veterinarian to assess and provide a diagnostic/treatment plan. Back injuries respond better to earlier intervention, than later. Remove all platforms, or anything else she could fall from to lessen chance of re-injury. Good luck.

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