My 10 yr old lab recently was diagnosed with diabetes. She absolutely refuses the hills prescription weighty-mobility she was put on. After 4 days hospital, they sent he4 home in hopes she would begin to eat. After 4 days of doing everything I could think of to get enough food on board to given her insulin, I gave up. I cooked some homemade bone broth, rice, and ground venison. She gets a cup morning and night of the combined food. Any recommendations on a better food?

Updated On February 10th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Labrador Retriever | Female | spayed | 66 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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The diabetic foods for pets are best. Royal Canin makes one called Glycobalance that a lot of diabetics seem to like. If she will not eat any of the diabetic foods and will only eat home cooked meals, I recommend to work with a veterinary nutritionist who will formulate a diet for her (97% of diets found online where unbalanced so it's very important to work with a professional so that you know Abby is getting the correct nutrition): I hope this helps.

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