Hello, Skye has been diagnosed with "Hyperesthesia Syndrome" she's on medication "Gabapentin 100mg/ml" the first 2 days she had 1 dose of 0.4 ml. Today was the first day she had 2 doses ( as directed by her vet) she's almost 100 % back to activity level, but she's not eating her dry food anymore. I only got her to eat 3 oz of wet food and a little kibble ( by throwing them for her to catch) is it normal that her appetite changed for the first few days due to medication?

Updated On February 12th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Siamese | Female | spayed | 2 years old | 4.41 lbs

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Skye. Gabapentin can cause some sedation and potentially appetite changes when first started. Mist of the time the effects wear off in several days. If her appetite does not return to normal soon, then I recommend contacting her veterinarian. I hope this information helps!

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